Earls Court Square is built on land originally occupied by Rich Lodge and its extensive grounds, which were cultivated, like most of the area as a market garden.
Minerva was instructed to carry out external refurbishment to front elevation of building. These works required renewal of bottle balustrading including copings and plinths and decorations complete.
Scope of Works
- Provide full scaffolding to enable works to be undertaken.
- Repair, prepare and decorate all previously painted, treated and sealed woodwork including windows / doors including frames and thresholds.
- Repairs, prepare and decorate all previously painted metalwork including window railings, bars, downpipes, waste pipes and balcony fixture and fittings.
- Repair and decorate previously painted stonework, concrete, render, masonry including terrace walls and garden areas.
- Renew bottles balustrading, copings and plinths and redecorate.
- Allow to remove and reinstate pigeon proofing where defective.
- Allow to clear all gutters and rainwater goods and test.
- Hack of defective damp affected rendered areas to basement retaining walls, render and redecorate.
- Prepare basement floor areas and steps and apply anti slip floor paint.
- Prepare surface to front 1st and 2nd floor balconies and allow GRP system and fit new promenade tiles.
Contract Value £134k